Oct 14, 2009

But... It seems Disadvantage too...

Straight forward
on Monday
it seems to be more easy and comfortable
for certain people
but some are not
I am the one who are not
I dislike it
but have to face so,
I have to face her
I have to face her & the boy
her boyfriend
which is also my classmate
it such a torture
soundless & tasteless torturing

I feel hard & uncomfortable
I can't cover my feeling
my internal true feeling
I choose to escape
a class of my favourite lecturer
I dare to do so
but it is not legal

How can it be?
Paul, what are you doing?
Just because of a girl?
You dare to play truant?
Does it a good deal?

1 comment:

  1. ong 9..Waste your money meh? Go join the class je lar..who want care about the girl..dun care about her..find a new one tomolo..there are many forest in malaysia..or outside malaysia..one day u out of malaysia to study..u will find a better one..Who know what the future will be? and jangan ingat tak ada orang tahu blog ini..=P
